Publishers Weekly Reviews
I've started writing reviews for Publishers Weekly. The reviews are not available for free through the Publishers Weekly site, but they are through Amazon. So click the link provided, then scroll down to the Publishers Weekly review.
![]() "The commercial success of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace and Dreaming War shows that Vidal's Jeffersonian anti-imperialism is fashionable again with the left wing of the book-buying public. . . ."
"Power, Terror, Peace, and War : America's Grand Strategy in a World at Risk" by Walter Russell Mead
"The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership" by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski "Brzezinski, President Carter's national security adviser and the author of The Grand Chessboard, has written a perceptive overview of the disorienting new strategic challenges America faces. . . ."
"Junk Politics" by Benjamin De Mott
![]() "In his campaigns for the U.S. Senate (successful) and the Democratic presidential nomination (struggling), Edwards has defiantly celebrated his earlier career as a trial lawyer. Following that instinct, Edwards has chosen to cast his campaign memoir as an account of four of his courtroom experiences. . . ." "Madam Secretary" by Madeleine Albright "Albright proposes to 'combine the personal with policy' in these memoirs, a sensible narrative strategy, considering her emblematic struggles as a working mother breaking through the glass ceiling of the foreign policy establishment to become U.N. ambassador and secretary of state. . . ." Keeping America Engaged: A Q&A With Madeleine Albright "The Two Percent Solution: Fixing America's Problems in Ways Liberals and Conservatives Can Love" by Matthew Miller "Miller counts off the grim statistics of American society's most intractable problems: '40 million uninsured; 15 million working poor; 10 million poor kids in failing schools.' Soon, making these costs seem trivial, baby boomers will retire. And the political system, distorted by money and special interests, refuses to seriously address these issues. . . ." "Empire of Capital" by Ellen Meiksins Wood "Readers who make it past the musty jargon of academic Marxism that announces itself in the introduction will proceed to a thought-provoking genealogy of empires throughout history. Wood, a professor at York University in Toronto and an orthodox economic determinist, argues that the source of an empire's wealth drives its military, administrative and ideological practices. . . ." "The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy" by William Greider "The good news is, American capitalism has 'solved the economic problem' of overcoming scarcity, says veteran journalist Greider, currently with the Nation. . . ."
![]() "Zooming in on a historical footnote, the kidnapping of an American missionary by Macedonian revolutionaries in 1901, Carpenter discovers a Byronic adventure and an early lesson in the perils of international power for the U.S. . . ." "After: How America Confronted the September 12 Era" by Steven Brill "Brill, journalist and entrepreneur (founder of the ill-fated Brill's Content magazine), has written a sprawling, panoramic account of life after September 11. . . ." Another Great Generation: A Q&A With Steven Brill "The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People " by Jonathan Schell "In what seems at the moment a quixotic thesis, Schell argues that warfare is no longer the ultimate arbiter of political power and that a maturing tradition of nonviolent political action offers hope for a peaceful future. . . . ." Talk of Peace in a Time of War: A Q&A With Jonathan Schell
![]() "Emmott, who predicted in 1989 that Japan's economic ascent would falter (in The Sun Also Sets), now applies his powers of conjecture again to project how broad historical forces will shape the 21st century, based on an analysis of the 20th. . . ." (A correction to the text, their fault: "With limited government," not "Despite limited government ...") |